Flying by so fast

Where did the time go?

Is it already close to the end of July with it feeling like the last 7 months have gone by in a blur? January, February and March started the year off cold and with kids in school, people going to their 9-5 jobs and the world as we know it just chugging along. By April the whole world seemed to have been tossed on it’s head and from there on then things just keep adding on like an avalanche in full motion. So many changes in such a short amount of time, can cause anxiety and worry to flare up. If it was just one catastrophe at a time most people could bear down and get through it, which is why it seems so difficult to get past what is going on right now. We as a whole don’t know what is coming next so we wait, we pray, and we try and find the spark of hope in all of this. At this point we can no more hope to move a mountain with our bare hands than try and find a way to fix the messes we have created but we try anyways.

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on

As we find ourselves challenged by the next set of regulations we look for ways to find our joy, our peace our sanity. Some grin and bear it, some go to substances of different kinds, some try and fill their days with hobbies, while other just try and catch up to the day that already seems ahead of them before they wake. These past few months have caused most of us to step back and look at what really is important to us, we look into ourselves to find the strength we need. and I hope that the strength is found and that instead of looking to worldly fixes that people would look to the creator and see that in Him alone we can find our purpose and joy.

Photo by Pixabay on

Throughout these past few months it has been crazy to see the changes that have actually be happening all around us. The world really does seem to be trying to heal itself without us humans constantly involved. Now I am not saying that it is all our doing but even in the biblical times it talks about using the fields for food for seven years and then letting the earth rest for seven years. We are meant to rest, the earth is meant to rest. On some of my many morning walks I come across different animals that I hadn’t seen come around. Yesterday alone I had a very curious doe follow me and my Jorj dog for a good block, at one point crossing the street to get a closer look at us. I will admit that was a little too close for a look, but she eventually decided we were not interesting anymore…..thank goodness. Rivers seem clearer, plants are sprouting up in places they haven’t before, and animals seem to be thriving. The things/people that should be important to us come into the light and we realize that now is the time to get reacquainted with what we had been missing out on. So I started to think, I need a list. I need a list of what brings strength and joy and peace. Whether it is long or short each day something can be added to it. So here is what I have come up with so far:

  • My family
  • My faith
  • Looking out the window and seeing the clouds build up before a storm
  • The quiet strength that comes from my hubby
  • Coming home from work to my son saying “Hello beautiful momma!”
  • Having my usually quiet middle child come alive in the car when it is just her and I
  • Riding my motorcycle with my hubby
  • Creating crafts
  • Seeing flowers bloom in the garden
  • Reading my Bible
  • Talking to God like he is sitting right next to me
  • Bringing comfort to an animal in pain
  • Seeing the happiness that others have
  • Having a space that is just for me
  • Knowing that I can be counted on and trusted
  • Trying a new adventure
  • Not caring what people think about me
  • Knowing that at the end of the day I did a good job
  • Snuggling in at night and feeling safe and secure in my hubby’s arms
  • Seeing the smiles on my kid’s faces

Oh man my list could go on and on, but what I want to know is what is on your list? Have you ever sat down and thought about what it is that grounds you and helps you get through your day? I haven’t even put exercise and eating well on my list but it’s one I will add. Find what makes you smile and share it, what good does it do staying where it is at? Until next time:

And I choose joy
Let it move you, let it move, let it move you
Yeah, I choose joy
Let it move you, let it move, let it move you
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of night
Oh, with You by my side, I’m stepping into the light
I choose joy
Let it move you, let it move, let it move you

I need that joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart, down in my heart to stay
I need that joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart, down in my heart to stay

And I choose joy
Let it move you, let it move, let it move you
Oh, I choose joy
Let it move you, let it move, let it move you
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of night
Oh, with You by my side, I’m stepping into the light
I choose joy
Go let it move you, go let it move you, go let it move you

I need that joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart, down in my heart to stay
I need that joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart, down in my heart to stay

Lyrics from the song Joy from For King and Country

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